Vancouver, BC, Canada
+1 778-220-2014

Astral Travel Anointing Oil

Astral Travel Anointing Oil


This spicy, sweet blend can be used to excite and “loosen” the ethereal body using aromatherapy and the energy of these botanical when used to anoint candles and pulse points. 

4 in stock


This spicy, sweet blend can be used to excite and “loosen” the ethereal body using aromatherapy and the energy of these botanicals. The oil can be used on white, purple or deep blue candles and rubbed on pulse points during astral travel, or dabbed on the third eye. Burning candles during astral travel is not advised during the actual exercise, instead try gazing into the candle flame during meditation before you travel as a warm up. Made with love, experience, and planetary timing along with ritual and energy work.

Ingredients: Cinnamon, ylang ylang, sandalwood, sesame, quartz crystal and opal.

Only quality, natural essential oils are packaged in 10 ml glass roller bottles with chips of natural stones.

Keep oil away from the eyes! If you do get oil in your eye, do NOT flush with water, instead use cooking oil, vegetable oil or the like on tissue or a cotton pad to dilute and gentle wipe away oil.

Additional information

Weight 85 g
Dimensions 10 × 4 × 4 cm


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